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Cinema : The Director’s Cut of Eyes Wide Shut You’ll Never See

Last updated on August 28th, 2023 at 12:29 pm

_χρόνος διαβασματός : [ 6 ] minutes


Eyes Wide Shut is not a common film, and it certainly does not tell the story of infidelity of a modern affluent couple.

Eyes Wide Shut non è un film comune, e non tratta certo di una storia di infedeltà di una coppia moderna del ceto abbiente.

Authored by Baron De La Vandal Via The Illuminati Media Group

Eyes Wide Shut è un film verità sulla Cabala degli Illuminati, sul Satanismo, e sul prezzo del Successo e dell’Ignoto.
La Warner era molto preoccupata di questa faccenda, ed impose di cancellare diverse scene chiave adducendo le solite grane sulla lunghezza del film e vari boicottaggi sul rilascio della pellicola.

Eyes Wide Shut is a truth film about the Cabal of the Illuminati, Satanism, and the price of success and the unknown. Warner was very concerned about this matter, and imposed to delete several key scenes citing the usual problems with the length of the film and promoted various boycotts on the release of the film.

Cosa potrebbe essere stato Eyes Wide Shut se solo Stanley Kubrick avesse completato il film aggiungendo le parti mancanti, tagliate via per la paura di quei degenerati della Warner Brothers che il Mondo avrebbe scoperto cosa sono in realtà i Gran Galà e i Party dei Ricchi, così come le loro vere azioni e i loro veri piani.

What might have been Eyes Wide Shut if Stanley Kubrick had only completed the film by adding the missing parts, cut away out of fear of those degenerates at Warner Brothers that the world would find out what the Rich’s Grand Galas and Parties really are, as well as their true actions and their real plans. Through the film, Kubrick investigates the dark side of wealth and power, exploring the hidden depths of the elite and the lengths they will go to protect their secrets. The film is a reflection of the corruption and immorality of the powerful, and a warning about the consequences of their actions and the potential for abuse of power.

Le visioni oniriche di Alice, e alcune scene salienti, sono rimaste soltanto disegnate sullo storyboard del film, e mai rilasciate al pubblico.

The dream visions of Alice, and some of the key scenes, were only drawn on the film’s storyboard and never released to the public. Through these dream sequences, Kubrick would have explored the inner psyche of Alice, delving into her deepest desires and fears. The deleted scenes were an integral part of Kubrick’s vision for the film, and their absence has left viewers with only an incomplete understanding of Alice’s inner journey. Kubrick’s exploration of the dark side of human nature and the consequences of our choices remains a powerful and haunting experience even without these sequences.

Le Parti filmate ma mancanti – The Missing Filmed Parts

E’ dato sapere che alcune scene che hanno ripreso il Dr.Harford, e quest’ultimo in compagnia della famiglia,

It is known that some scenes captured Dr. Harford and his family together. These scenes show Dr. Harford spending time with his family, particularly during a dinner and a picnic. The scenes also provide an intimate look into the character, showing how he interacts with his loved ones and how he handles his family life.

ma sono state censurate dalla Warner Bros. I motivi rimangono oscuri.
Un rumore di fondo più che fondato narra che un’importante e topica scena fu tagliata, pare verso il 70° minuto, 1:19:30, in maniera multipla, cioè la stessa scena che si ripeteva frame più in là come un ritornello di un disco rotto nei pensieri di Harford.

Reports suggest that Warner Bros. censored some scenes in the film. The reasons behind this remain unknown, but it is rumored that an important and topical scene was cut around the 70th minute, 1:19:30, repeatedly, as a broken record loop in the thoughts of Dr. Harford. This scene was supposed to show more of Dr. Harford’s life and emotions, but unfortunately it was not included in the film.

Kubrick, Kidman, e la piccola Helena….sul set.

Questa scena/ricordo era così rimasta vivida ed ossessiva nella mente del Dr.Harford, divenuta l’oggetto dei suoi più cupi pensieri in grado di tormentarlo senza dargli pace mentre girovaga in una realtà newyorkese del tutto scollegata apparentemente dagli avvenimenti della Cerimonia Satanica o Ballo Mascherato a cui aveva assistito la notte precedente.

This scene/memory remained so vivid and obsessive in Dr. Harford’s mind, becoming the object of his darkest thoughts, tormenting him without giving him peace as he wandered through a New York reality seemingly disconnected from the events of the Satanic Ceremony or Masked Ball he had attended the night before.

Quello che è dato sapere è che questa scena fu una scena sicuramente filmata tra quelle durante l’orgia a Mentmore Towers.
In questa scena il Dr.Harford nel suo gironzolare tra i corridoi e le stanze della tenuta viene attratto da una stanza con la porta socchiusa. Incuriosito come da tutto il resto, il dottore entra nella stanza per vedere quello che potrebbe essere un altare con molto sangue e un grande Pentagramma in rosso dipinto sul muro davanti ad esso.

In this scene, Dr. Harford was wandering the corridors and rooms of Mentmore Towers when he was drawn to a room with an open door. Out of curiosity, he entered the room to see what appeared to be an altar with a lot of blood and a large red pentagram painted on the wall in front of it. This scene was certainly one of those filmed during the orgy at Mentmore Towers; however, the purpose of this scene remains unknown, although it has been suggested that it could have been part of a Satanic ritual or some mysterious cult.

Questa scena doveva essere riprodotta anche durante i momenti di frustrazione di Bill Harford, con il pensiero volto alla sorte della donna che lo aveva salvato da morte certa.

It is said that the scene of the altar and pentagram was also recreated during scenes of Bill Harford’s frustration, in which he thought of the woman who had saved him from death. The scene appears to be linked to the mysterious cult the woman came from, which remains unknown.

Le Visioni Oniriche di Alice – Alice’s Dream Visions

Un uomo, forse il marito, o forse l’ufficiale desiderato dalla donna, percorre tra le nuvole di un paesaggio metafisico e alieno su massi sospesi in assenza gravità, quindi una figura femminile gli appare davanti e pare aspettare il suo arrivo, una donna, Alice, ora su una cima piatta e scoscesa.

A man, perhaps her husband, or perhaps the officer she desired, traverses a metaphysical and alien landscape among clouds on rocks suspended in the absence of gravity, then a female figure appears before him and seems to be awaiting his arrival, a woman, Alice, now on a flat and steep summit.

Da questo schizzo appare come se questa scena sia in realtà solo una delle tante manifestazioni con il medesimo approccio che stanno avvenendo in quella visione onirica.

It appears from this sketch that this scene is actually just one of many manifestations with the same approach occurring in that dream-like vision.

Numerosi demoni emergono dal suolo di quei picchi sospesi e avvolgono tante donne come Alice per possederle.
Marit Allen , costumista del film, ha confermato che queste scene non furono mai girate tuttavia, perchè non erano logisticamente molto facili da mettere in atto: prevedevano migliaia di questi accoppiamenti, in diverse posizioni e situazioni.

Inoltre è dato sapere che subito dopo questa lussuriosa e demoniaca scena sarebbe apparso Bill crocefisso e sofferente, solo ed immerso tra tutte queste miriadi di copulazioni sparse.
Alice narrerà solo a voce di questo sogno dove una moltitudine di uomini si faceva avanti per possederla.

Numerous demons emerge from the ground of those suspended peaks and engulf many women like Alice to possess them. Marit Allen, the costume designer of the film, confirmed that these scenes were never shot because they were not logistically very easy to implement: they required thousands of these pairings in different positions and situations.

Un momento di pausa tra le riprese della Cerimonia a Mentmore Towers – A pause between scene filming at Mentmore Towers.
Un particolare rivelato come Easter Egg nel finale del film – A lil easter egg in the final scene

In Memoria di Stanley Kubrick, il più grande regista cinematografico del XX° Secolo.

In memory of Stanley Kubrick, the greatest film director of the 20th century. Kubrick’s films are renowned for their technical mastery, innovative visual style, and complex thematic explorations of humanity and its interactions with technology. From his early science fiction classics like 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange, to his later psychological dramas such as The Shining and Full Metal Jacket, Kubrick’s work has had an immense influence on the cinematic landscape. His legacy continues to inspire filmmakers and audiences alike.

Do Not Question The Nature of One’s Own Reality It’s A Sin Against God

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