Exploring the Role of Competition in Society’s Information Models : Topic Roles Of Degradation And Distortion

Last updated on June 20th, 2023 at 09:54 am

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Competition for Information in and out of bubbled contexts may create toxic bubbles.

Authored by J. P. Walsh and G. R. Ungson via Journal of Management

Authored by Alan Mislove via Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining


The scientific study of knowledge transfer or knowledge management aims to understand how knowledge is generated, shared, and utilized within and between organizations and society as a whole. The study of knowledge transfer in sociology, psychology, and management sciences, for instance, often touches on the issue of information delay and the factors that impact the effectiveness of knowledge transfer.

Specific theories and models in knowledge transfer can explore how information moves through different channels or networks, how knowledge is created and shared, and how knowledge is transformed as it moves between different actors, organizations, or societies. These models can help us understand how information gets delayed, and what factors can contribute to such delays.


Information is essential for navigating from point A to point B, but the process of acquiring and transferring knowledge is often complex and can involve significant delays. As the saying goes, what we know is just a drop in the ocean of what we don’t know.

The creation and sharing of knowledge is critical for competitive advantage in any situation, and scientists have studied the phenomenon of delayed communication and knowledge transfer to better understand how it works. This research helps to identify the types of knowledge that are most challenging to transfer and which tools and tasks are most effective for doing so.


Interactions between people, social stratification, and specialized tasks and tools are all factors that impact the transfer of knowledge.

Even within the same era and context, the transfer of knowledge can be challenging, and when multiple bubbles or contexts are involved, the process can become even more complex.

For example, the fascinating concept of the holographic universe in physics theory may be understood differently by different groups based on their context and pre-existing knowledge. In some cases, information may be distorted or altered as it passes from one context to another.


Many contexts, such as secret societies, may keep information within their own bubble, seeking to differentiate themselves from other groups. However, over time, the resistance to releasing information may break down, and the information can become degraded and/or distorted as it enters new contexts, creating myths and legends, or ghost bubbles, left to interact in order to rebuild the original information or just part of it.

While competition can be healthy and drive innovation, it can also create an atmosphere where accuracy and ethics are sacrificed in order to generate more attention and profit. This can potentially lead to the spread of misinformation and the distortion of facts.

Therefore, it is important to approach competition in the dissemination of information with caution and to prioritize accuracy and ethics above profit and attention. Additionally, promoting critical thinking and media literacy in society can help individuals better navigate and discern accurate information from misinformation.

Various studies examine how competition plays a role in determining users intentions toward personal information deception (PID) on online social network sites.


The distortion of information that occurs today on social networks is quite dangerous. Learning about the phenomenon of flat earth shouldn’t make us laugh but worry. The same concern that one has when reading about these thousands of No Vaxes who consider graphene oxide in mRNA vaccines dangerous, without there being evidence that graphene was used in their production, without evidence that graphene causes sudden deaths or other evils. And from this the same individuals rejoice in the deaths from heart attacks of those who instead got vaccinated against Sars2 only because they had opposite ideas, typical behavior of scum, low class bubbles.

In conclusion, factors such as time, evolution and involution of contexts, social context, and the transient nature of human knowledge can all contribute to delays in the transfer of information and the degradation of original information.

It is critical to identify and address these factors to facilitate effective knowledge transfer and improve our understanding of the world around us because every civilization must contend with an unconscious force which can block, betray or countermand almost any conscious intention of the collectivity.

Throughout history , societies have had to face challenges and obstacles that arise from within themselves. These challenges are often unexpected or unnoticed at first, and they can undermine or thwart the goals or plans of the society as a whole.


This “unconscious force”  as unnoticed event is a constant shadowed parameter, and it could be interpreted as previewed as a range and in a range of possible factors, including human nature, cultural or psychological biases, groupthink or other forms of group dynamics, and so on.

Any society that wishes to succeed must be aware of and prepared to confront these obstacles head-on, in order to achieve its goals and fulfill its potential, solving the gap in knowledge transfer and management would prevent our extinction.

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