The Old World: One Mystery Solved In The Americae Sive Quartae Orbis Partis Nova Et Exactissima Descriptio Map

Last updated on June 20th, 2023 at 09:47 am

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We Solved The Mermaid And Flying Saucers Mystery.

Authored by Jasper Hamill Via

The map Americae Sive Quartae Orbis Partis Nova Et Exactissima Descriptio has been created in 1562 by cartographer Diego Gutiérrez.


It depicts various sea monsters and land animals, some of which are considered unusual or weird, extracted from myths and legends.


Among the sea monsters featured on the map are mermaids, sea serpents, and giant crabs.
On the land, the map shows elephants, camels, monkeys, and even a unicorn in South America, and Patagonian giants.

detail of americae sive quartae orbis partis nova et exactissima descriptio 1562

Other oddities include a person riding a crocodile, a half-human half-goat creature, and a group of cannibals roasting a human leg.


But it also show two mermaids clutching objects which look a lot like flying saucers – or one of those ‘pogo balls’ people played with in the 80s and 90s.

A copy of the map is kept by the Library of Congress.

Here’s what it said about the chart: ‘The map provides a richly illustrated view of an America filled with images and names that had been popularised in Europe following Columbus’s 1492 voyage of discovery. Images of parrots, monkeys, mermaids, fearsome sea creatures, cannibals, Patagonian giants, and an erupting volcano in central Mexico complement the numerous settlements, rivers, mountains, and capes named.’

Sadly, it did not indicate why the mermaids might be holding a UFO – which means this ancient mystery remains officially unsolved.

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Did the mermaids have a flying saucer in their hands? It’s more likely that they were holding a mirror, as they seem to be arranging their hair to make themselves more beautiful and attractive…

It is important to note that during the Age of Discovery, cartographers often added fantastical elements to their maps, either to make them more visually appealing or to indicate that certain areas were uncharted and thus potentially dangerous. Many of the creatures depicted on this map were not based on actual observations but rather on folklore and hearsay. While some of the animals shown, such as the elephant and the camel, were known to European audiences at the time, others, like the unicorn, were purely mythical.

Nonetheless, the map reflects the curiosity and fascination of Europeans with the unknown and unexplored regions of the world.


Do Not Question The Nature of One’s Own Reality It’s A Sin Against God

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