European Union: The Panzeri System, Eva Kaili, Her Immunity, and the Husband-Toddler Connection Bridging The Whole With Benetton

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There is enough squalor and loathing in this piece, you are advised.

Authored by M. Castigliani, G. Pipitone, G. Rosini via IlFattoQuotidiano

I believe that the details that have emerged from the interrogations of this Ms. Eva Kaili are absolutely horrifying. Her husband was treated like a toddler, a husband that still asks money to own daddy and mommy is a lil punkass, and still..forced to be the lackey of a corrupt MEP, while she herself was used as a mere tool thanks to her immunity, and was no stranger to illegal trafficking of cash to and from the European Union, all because of her prestigious status as a woman immune to any consequences.

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The cruelty of the rich and powerful towards the poor and vulnerable has rarely been more apparent than in this case.


Those 600 thousand euros hidden in a trolley entrusted to the father were not his or even his partner’s. They were “for Panzeri”. And it wasn’t the first time that the former Article 1 MEP had brought cash to the Kaili-Giorgi house: he had already done it other times previously. “Before Covid he had left some money and then came to get it. He trusts Francesco more than his apartment ”. The reason? “I think it’s because of my immunity.” He was the partner who “kept something for him” and “perhaps also for his current boss Andrea Cozzolino”. Thus spoke Eva Kaili, the former vice president of the European Parliament, who ended up under arrest in the investigation into bribes in the EU, together with her partner, Francesco Giorgi. Actually because of the partner. At least according to Mihalis Dimitrakopoulos, lawyer of Greek politics. “Kaili trusted Giorgi, but he betrayed her,” said the lawyer, at the end of a four-hour interview with her client in Haren prison. Today 22 December, in fact, Kaili will appear before the judges of the council chamber of the Court of Brussels that she will have to decide on her release or confirm her imprisonment. According to the lawyer, the reconstructions in the newspapers on Kaili’s confessions “do not correspond to the truth”.

“They had a moral obligation with Panzeri” – It then becomes useful to understand what Greek politics has already said. Kaili, in the two minutes of his statements before the police (December 10) and before Judge Michel Claise (December 11), mentions many names. And some are heavy. For example, those of the people she tried to warn by telephone immediately after the Belgian police raid on her home, where a sum of 150 thousand euros was found. […]

She “didn’t trust” the activities carried out by her partner with Panzeri and Cozzolino: “But Francesco couldn’t say no, he was too kind. Maybe I should have said something because I’m older.

eva kaili

“Panzeri had already left some money before Covid” – The investigators focus on that enormous amount of cash, found in total in the availability of the MEP: around 750 thousand euros. According to Kaili, the money had already been there for three or four months. “The suitcase was for Panzeri”, Kaili says immediately referring to the money entrusted to the “unaware” father, while the remaining 150 thousand, he claims, were “money that (Giorgi, ed) had borrowed for the property”. In fact, the woman claims that her partner had difficulty meeting the expenses for the purchase of their new home, so much so that “the mortgage is in my name, I pay for that and the work. You can see it on my credit card. The cash is my partner’s contribution. There were 5,000 euros in one safe and 5,000 in another.” The cash found at the home of the two, even excluding the suitcase “for Panzeri”, however, was much more. “Francesco doesn’t have much money because he doesn’t get to contribute to all the expenses. He is also younger than me. I know he takes out loans from his parents from time to time. Perhaps also to Antonio. I know because there are things he would have wanted, but he didn’t have the means.” Even if he does not exclude that that money could also belong to others: “I know that he kept something for his former boss, Panzeri, perhaps also for his current boss Cozzolino”, but “I never thought about the origin of that money” .

She had given him a small suitcase which is now large” – What is not new, however, were also Panzeri’s cash ‘deposits’ in the house that Giorgi shared with her: “Before Covid he had left some money and then he came to pick them up – says Kaili referring to the politician – He trusts Francesco more than his apartment. I don’t know if this is due to the fact that I enjoy parliamentary immunity”. Furthermore, she adds, “I looked at them yesterday (the bags with the cash, ed) because I knew that Antonio had given him a small suitcase which is now big. Antonio would come for a coffee even when I wasn’t at home. Antonio and Francesco are very close“. Then, she too tells of another episode concerning her relating to money: “I withdrew 20 thousand euros from one of my accounts in Greece and I wore them in my jacket. But I only did it once. I know I can’t carry more than 10,000.”

Kaili names others linked to the trade unionist like […] assistant to Pd MEP Alessandra Moretti.


The names of the politicians – The investigators then ask: “Did Panzeri pay them?”. “No, after 2019, when he wasn’t re-elected, he was trying to help everyone find work.” So they press her: “And then, at the level below, who was involved?”. Kaili continues: “Maria Arena, Marc Tarabella, Andrea Cozzolino”. The investigators then mention two other names: “Moretti and Brando Benifei (Pd)?” “Yes,” Kaili concludes. But when asked “could they have benefited from Panzeri’s gifts”, he minimizes: “I can tell you that if I wanted to have advice in the political world I would have asked Francesco to call Antonio. I don’t know if they received any money, they could travel to Qatar or Morocco, he organized the verification missions but I think most of them were official missions, I’m not aware of any gifts ”.

And after all of this, she planned to return to the European Parliament to continue her job as an immune from shame Deity.

You know what all this means right?

They’re stealing your money, and if you went to vote you’re their dumb accomplice, the useful idiot. That’s what you are.



By participating in the theft of your own money and future, you are now elevating your idiocy to an unimaginable level of complicity.

Your skills of idiocy resume and end here:

And to add insult to injury, I cannot forget the words, a mere and crude confession, of Gianni Mion, one of the heads of administration at Benetton Holding.

[Year 2010] It was revealed that the bridge had a design flaw and was at risk of collapsing. When I asked if there was someone who certified its safety, Riccardo Mollo, the former general manager of operations of Autostrade per l’Italia, replied with chilling nonchalance: ‘We certify it ourselves.’ I was speechless with worry.

8 years later…

Again…you know what that means?

This meant that they knew that they were putting people’s lives at risk, comparable to a terrorist attack on a large target, and did nothing to prevent it.

T H E Y  K I L L E D  T H A T  P E O P L E  K N O W I N G  T O  K I L L  T H E M  W I T H  P R E S C I E N C E









W I T H  P R E S C I E N C E

Now do you think that Mr.Benetton….


the same dude of these miserably propaganded lies and degenerate charades…

benettonsuker unemployee of the year 01 620x438

will serve and spend, not one day, but one only hour in a prison?

Are you really so stupid in your profound unawareness to think that?


Do Not Question The Nature of One’s Own Reality It’s A Sin Against God

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