_χρόνος διαβασματός : [ 2 ] minutes


If they keep us into a cage well I want open it up and sit on the on the throne of this galaxy…without them around eating rats…

Authored by Ovid via Fasti – Lifetime Works

Authored by Aristotle via History of Arcadia

Authored by Plutarch via De Facie Book

Authored by Apollonius of Rhode via ?

Authored by Isaac Asimov via Physics Essay

Authored by Arthur Clarke via A Fall of Moondust


We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon, by rights, ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept…
Small planets, such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well have had moons;
but the Moon is a whopper among moons, and it demands a gigantic explanation as to how it came to be where it is…
I’m a scientist and I’m always looking for empirical evidence,
but it troubles me that we have not yet been able to satisfactorily explain the Moon’s existence.”
Isaac Asimov

We already wrote here about the fact that the Moon could not be our natural satellite at all, rather a giant Death Star.

In the excellent video, Why Files Researcher showed a series of quotes by eminent scientists, Nasa Administrators, and superb Sci-Fi authors like Isaac Asimov and Arthur Clarke.




Let’s examine them one by one.


Moon was not in the sky long time ago…




Zulu Tribe


Reptilians could have been able to evolve in a different planet and if so in a different manner?


Ubaid Lizards, Mesopotamia


Nomoli Lizards, Sierra Leone


Egyptian Lizards


The video becomes interesting when it describes the Moon as a holographic projection device that warps our reality with a specific frequency.
According to this theory, the Moon receives our data and transmits us new data because emotions are pure energy used by our masters.
Although the part of the Soul Recycler could be deeply sad, it just deflects looking into Buddhism cycles (wheel of life).

Return to the Moon


The Moon is weird, giant, and in a unique position. It always shows the same side to us and moves in a manner unlike anything else in the known universe. Even eclipses are unusual, too precisely calculated to be random according to what we know from science.

Moon is hollow


When the Moon becomes full, I lose my chess matches and crimes increase as wave of fires rise over the planet

mooncry loadinghints

Do Not Question The Nature of One’s Own Reality It’s A Sin Against God

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