Academic World of Humans Not Different From A Cage of Apes : The Giants, The Olmec Heads, and The Ethics of Concealing The Truth

Last updated on October 14th, 2023 at 03:31 pm

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You know what I really want?

I want walk in a damn prehistoric place like this:

Authored by Doctor Zaius via Planet of The Apes

Authored by Prometheus via Olmec Heads

The idea of giants has fascinated humanity for centuries, with stories and legends passed down through generations. However, the existence of actual giant human skeletons, beings 3.5 meters tall, is a crude reality that Academic people refuse to accept for ethical reasons.

The ethical implications of concealing the existence of giant human skeletons are multifaceted.

On one hand, the concealment of such information could be seen as a form of paternalistic protection, similar to the actions of Dr. Zaius in Planet of the Apes.


In the film, Dr. Zaius, aware of the true origins of his ape society, chooses to suppress this knowledge to maintain the status quo and protect his kind from the potentially destabilizing truth.

Zaius and his reluctant denial of the truth caused the invasion of the Gorillas in the Forbidden Zone.

beneath the planet of the apes

At the end, Dr. Zaius warns Taylor not to look for answers about the true origins of their world, saying, “Don’t look for it, Taylor. You may not like what you find


If academia were concealing the existence of giant human skeletons, it could be argued that they are doing so to protect society from a truth that could challenge our understanding of human history and evolution.


On the other hand, the concealment of such information is as a violation of the public’s right to knowledge. The public has a right to access scientific findings and form their own understanding of the world. Concealing the existence of giant human skeletons would be a form of scientific censorship, undermining the principles of transparency and openness that underpin scientific inquiry.


However, it’s important to note that the ethical considerations of revealing or concealing controversial scientific findings are not straightforward. The potential for misinterpretation and misuse of scientific information is a significant concern, particularly in the context of human evolutionary genetics.

Misinterpretations of genetic findings have been used to support prejudiced agendas in the past, highlighting the need for careful, responsible communication of scientific findings…

This means: there is not absolute truth discovered out there yet, therefore Academic ignoramuses should shut up once for all.

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Despite these hits to credibility of Academic Science “Modern” pillars, the concept of giants and their potential influence on human history remains an intriguing topic.

One example of such influence can be found in the Olmec civilization of Mexico, which created colossal stone head sculptures ranging in height from 1.17 to 3.4 meters (3.8 to 11.2 ft).

tabasco la venta cabeza olmeca

These heads are believed to represent powerful individual Olmec rulers and were carved from large basalt boulders, some of which were transported over 150 kilometers (93 miles).

olmec heads image

The Olmec heads’ distinct facial features and headdresses have sparked various theories about their origins and inspirations, but it is now thought that they depict Olmec rulers rather than gods, athletes, or early black civilizations.

gary shilton ampule room 1

The Olmec statues, and their related idea of a giant race cohabitating this planet with other species, inspired the concept of giants and beings meddling with the creation of other beings has also found its way into popular culture, as seen in Ridley Scott’s 2012 film, Prometheus.

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Although not a direct prequel to the “Alien” franchise, Prometheus is set in the same universe and explores themes of creation, life, and the intended and unintended consequences of meddling with nature. The film opens with a giant humanoid being dissolving its nucleotides into a river, setting the stage for a visually stunning and thought-provoking narrative, being that a tough holy ritual, among others, for the beings who performed it.

The idea of beings creating monsters, whether bio-organic or artificial like cyborgs, is another fascinating and noteworthy aspect of this theme.

Cyborgs, beings with both organic and biomechatronic body parts, have become a popular subject in science fiction and art only because our unconsciousness, or quantum negative state, knows what we are for real and unreal.

The blending of human and machine elements raises questions about the nature of human cognition and the potential for human enhancement or for the end of humankind as we know it…


Do Not Question The Nature of One’s Own Reality It’s A Sin Against God

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